Singing Guide: Dua Lipa & Angèle

Singing Guide: Dua Lipa & Angèle

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you’re looking for a singer to learn from, Dua Lipa and Angèle have hit songs, exceptional vocal ranges, and unique vocal techniques that will help you develop your skills as a singer. In this article, we'll explore their singing styles, techniques and songs.

Dua Lipa

Dua Lipa is a pop singer from London. Her voice is characterized by deep and silky low notes, a sharp focus, and a unique vowel pronunciation, which she masterfully uses in both English and Spanish. Lipa's trademark technique is her use of “lip vibrato” combined with her powerful pop belt. This produces a slightly metallic sound that gives her voice a unique quality.

Songs that showcase her vocal technique

  • “New Rules” is a great song to learn Dua Lipa’s unique vocal style. The song’s repetitive chorus shows her ability to keep the vowels consistent on her high notes while still adding some vocal flare with her lip vibrato.
  • Another significant song to practice is “Physical,” which showcases her ability to mix the edgier rock-infused belt in the chorus with the more breathy quality of her lower notes in the verses and pre-chorus.

Learning from Dua Lipa

To develop a technique similar to Dua Lipa’s, check out Singing Carrots' pitch training. This program has exercises that help you develop both your “lip vibrato” and pop belt. The range test will also give you an idea of where your voice sits on the spectrum so that you can focus on mastering techniques appropriate for your vocal range.


Angèle is a pop singer from Belgium, known for her upbeat and relatable electro-pop songs. She has a unique vocal quality characterized by an airy sweetness that can switch quickly to a sharper edge and a distinctive vibrato that she effortlessly controls. Angèle's style is unique in that she often blends genres, incorporating elements of jazz, R&B, and even rap into her singing.

Songs that showcase her vocal technique

  • “Balance ton quoi” is an excellent song to learn Angèle’s versatile vocal style. The track demands vocal agility as she moves from mellow, baritone-heavy verses to honeyed choruses.
  • Another song to try is “Ta reine,” in which she demonstrates her finesse in controlling her vibrato, giving the song a nostalgic feeling.

Learning from Angèle

To learn Angèle's vocal techniques, Singing Carrots' pitch training and the vocal range test are great tools to use. Additionally, exercises that focus on breath support and vibrato control would help you develop techniques similar to those of Angèle. The vocal pitch monitor tool will also help you to hone and refine your technique by showing you where you can improve on pitch consistency.


Dua Lipa and Angèle are pop singers who embody different approaches to singing. While Dua Lipa's technique favors a powerful belt and lip vibrato, Angèle's style blends genres with breathy sweetness and a distinctive vibrato. By utilizing Singing Carrots' pitch training and tools like the vocal range test and vocal pitch monitor, you can practice and master the unique vocal techniques that these gifted singers utilize.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.